What is a Trailer?
A trailer is a transport vehicle, usually towed by a truck or tow tractor and generally used for freight transportation. Trailers are usually long and enclosed and can be designed to transport a variety of materials. They are equipped with important components such as wheels, axles and braking systems to improve road safety.
Trailers can be of various types. For example:
Flatbed Trailers: Usually have a large space and are often used for transporting bulky goods such as construction materials or large items.
Enclosed Trailers: It has a closed structure that ensures that the loads are protected from weather conditions. These types of trailers are generally preferred for the transportation of food, textiles and other sensitive goods.
Tanker Trailers: These are trailers containing special tanks designed for the transportation of fluid substances such as liquids or gases.
Platform Trailers: They have a flat surface and are generally used for the transportation of containers, pallets or other large packaged loads.
Trailers play an important role in the transportation industry and are widely used in various sectors.
Truck trailer
Trailer repair
Trailer prices
Truck trailer
Truck trailer prices
Semi-trailer prices
Trailer sales